Recently Nick Peronace posted about the politics involving the dressage competition arena. He went in great detail about how the politics work, and also spoke about his own experience. Nick is not without his haters who seem to stalk his every move with a strange obsession. Such said people disregarded the rest of Nick's blog post, and picked apart what they wanted to hear- mainly when he talked about his own experience.
Nick continues to be upfront, honest, and as transparent as possible. He welcomes questions and has received an overwhelming response. Those questions are answered right here in this blog. If you still have a question for Nick, he may be reached at
Q: Why are you against furthering your education, either by taking lessons or riding in clinics?
A: I'm not against it at all! This past summer I took a lesson, and in November I'd like to ride in a clinic with a very well known trainer.
Q: Where are the "good photos" you claim exist from that competition on June 4th?
A: I made them public right on my Facebook page. You can find them under the heading "Fake News Coth".
Q: What is it about those photos you feel make them "good?"
A: I've spoken out before about the hate campaign against me. These are people who want to bust any opportunity I have for any type of success that has to do with horses. They only found out I was even at that show because they stalk my every move. Anyway, after my show when those photos appeared online (without my permission) the hate campaign cut them up. But they only cut up and shared the really bad photos! They never mentioned about the good pictures! They only want to feed people what they want you to see! They have a very hateful agenda. They are very jealous individuals. They sure put a lot on energy into someone they don't like don't they? Why can't they leave me alone? If they aren't jealous, why can't they just stop talking about me and viewing my blog?
There are lots of pictures showing an uphill horse, nice soft reins, excellent self carriage, and moving correctly. I have said before that Carpathia was distracted and it wasn't my best ride. However there were some really nice moments, and these pictures show it. If some hater somewhere sees those pictures and doesn't think they are any good, I think that's a person in desperate need of education.
Q: Who judged the freestyle test where you scored a 75%?
A: I honestly have no idea who the judge was. I know they have a history in dressage and also driving. Who they are really isn't of importance. It only matters to the hate campaign who tries to discredit any accomplishment I achieve.I scored a 75% and they're hateful little minds exploded! They had better get used to it because I'm not going anywhere.
Q: Carpathia seems to be alittle to skinny in some of your pictures. Can you describe your a feeding program and conditioning regimen?
A: Carpathia is your typical skinny, high metabolism thoroughbred racehorse. If you have experience with this specific type of Thoroughbred, then you understand. If you don't, then I highly recommend going to some race tracks. Walk into the stables and talk to the trainers. There is absolutely nothing wrong with her conditioning whatsoever, it's just how she is designed. She gets hours of grass turnout, 8 flakes of hay, 8lbs of grain each day, with 4lbs of it rice bran.
As for your muscle development question, I warm up each ride in a deep frame for about 10min in walk,trot,canter. I practice lot's of transitions during the ride and whatever gymnastic exercise I need to work on to accomplish whatever movement is my end goal. I ride Carpathia 6 days a week for about 20-30min each. I don't believe in working a horse for longer. I believe they must be happy and fresh when you dismount. This is all part of being a tactful trainer. Ask for much, be content with little, reward often.
Q: It's well known that Carpathia is for sale. How do you justify her asking price of $15,000, especially when her scores are less than stellar?
A: Her price is actually way to low! Her owners should be asking $30k. Thats the going rate for a horse with her education and capacity. If she were a warmblood she would be double that. $15k is a give away! As for her scores, it's been proven there is a hate campaign against me, and I've been judged unfairly. When I was judged fairly, I received a 75%. Forget the scores, look at the education. People pay for education and potential. Carpathia has both.
Q: Why don't you post reviews from clients who have worked with you?
A: In the past I did. For several years there were reviews on a website I once had. I have also used Facebook to tag and post positive reviews. Facebook still has the reviews, you just got to find them. I don't force feed reviews anymore because the hate campaign would contact those people and harass them. I care to much for my clients (who are my dear friends) to have them get railroaded by internet trolls. Dressage is just a hobby for me. I don't need a website with loads of reviews anyway. Who wants to work with me, does. Who doesnt want to, doesn't. It makes no difference to me. I have absolutely nothing to prove. There are plenty of pictures and video public on my Facebook page, that gives an excellent representation of my abilities as a trainer.
Q: Do you consider yourself classical?
A: No I don't. I use a lot of unorthodox methods in my training and I also don't stick to a specific style. I cater to the horse and what the horse needs. I think a good trainer has to! Dressage is a science. It's also a constant experimentation and trying out different theories. It's a slow methodical process that sometimes you have to think outside the box in order to accomplish your goals.
Q: What is your issue exactly with the USDF judging standards?
A: Without repeating myself please click on this link. It explains my issue in great detail:
Q: Why didn't you compete Carpathia at Training Level first, then work your way up ?
A: Carpathia was schooling 3rd and 4th level at home. By the summer she was confirmed. Shows cost money and are very expensive. I don't believe in holding a horse back so I entered a show and competed in the level she's on. Next year if I'm still working with her, we will be competing at FEI. I never cared for the USDF medal program because frankly it just doesn't interest me. Some people have the opinion that such medals add credibility to a trainer. I can see their point of view, but I also think competing at a higher level also adds credibility. Posting video and pictures adds credibility also. But if your a superficial snob who only cares about medals and scores, and less what your eyes tell you, then I'm not the trainer for you. Again, it makes no difference to me. I have nothing to prove to anyone.
Q: Do you believe the judge at your last show was corrupt?
A: 100% yes! I also feel the judge in my first show on June 4th was corrupt as well. I know it sounds crazy. I get it. But seriously, lets look at things.
-COTH has tons of hate threads about me filled with nothing but lies.
-The hate campaign continues to open threads on COTH and other sites, all filled with lies.
-1000s of people have read this garbage and they believe it.
-Carpathia made several mistakes in our test on June 4th and we received a ridiculously low score. The next test in front of the same judge that day, she was more focused yet we still received another low score. At the next show once again we got another insanely low score. That judge also commented rude remarks for things that didn't even happened! I have video to prove it (posted on Facebook).
-The judge on June 4th gave me a 2 just because my halt wasn't square. Any reasonable person would find that excessively low.
-The judge on June 4th posted on Facebook about my score. What professional does that! If I wasn't singled out and it wasn't personal,why did he post what he posted?
Add all these factors up and yes, you have a strong argument for corruption. I've launched a formal complaint with the USEF. I'm NOT GOING ANYWHERE. I'm going to keep turning up at shows and posting each ride on Facebook, public for everyone to see. I'm not going to stop exposing these people. So if you're a judge and you're reading this, and I'm in your arena, you had better be honest because EVERYONE is going to be a witness.
Q: What would you say to people who still don't believe there is a conspiracy against you?
A: That's a person who hates me and is never going to be satisfied. But let everything that's happened to me, happen to a big name or even a friend of theirs, and their all about it. People also don't want to believe in the conspiracy because they are part of the hate campaign. The evidence is there and it's a strong argument that's very compelling.
Q: Certain people feel you should be banned from competing because of your conspiracy theory. How do you feel about that?
A: If I get banned or block from a show ground then that's a big red flag I was right all along. The hate campaign doesn't want people to see me be successful in the show ring. Banning or blocking me is all part of their tactic. Actually people should be supporting me on this issue and should encourage the fact that I was brave enough to bring it to everyone's attention. Do people really want to compete knowing the judge might have a bias against them? Regardless of what happened to me, wouldn't people feel better being judged by an impartial non corrupt judge? Show ring politics have always existed, I'm just one of the few people who has brought it to light, and now I'm paying for it very unfairly.
But believe me now when I say that the higher level I compete, the more people are going to care what I have to say. I will not stop exposing corruption and show ring politics! Borrowing a line from our great President Donald Trump, it's time to drain the swamp!
Q: How are you able to train a horse so quickly up the levels?
A: Well first of all, I don't train by "levels". I follow a different training pyramid then most people. First comes straight,forward and under control. Second comes stretching, deep riding and a nice frame. Third comes lateral work flying changes and collection. Last comes extreme collection. What I like to do is plant the seeds for the last step, then go back later to perfect it. I also don't believe in holding a horse back. So if Im trying to teach leg yield and the horse offers me Half Pass, I go with it. I keep my rides simple and I don't make a big deal if theres a mistake. I ask for much, Im content with little and I reward often. I'm a very tactful trainer.
Q: With all the hate on The Chronicle Of The Horse (coth) do you feel they owe you equal time?
A: I sure do! What The Chronicle Of The Horse needs to do is come out to the farm and watch me ride. They need to take pictures and interview me. If they did this it would help my image and it would improve my reputation greatly. They owe me because they have done so much to ruin me. They owe me restitution. But they won't. COTH isn't interested in playing fair or helping someone they helped destroy with their lies, misinformation and one sided screenshots. But the lies. Oh my God the lies! And people believe them! It's so bizarre. They google and talk "about me" without actually coming directly "to me". They share misinformation and it's so incredibly unfair.
Q: Did you attack Robert Dover for being gay?
A: Absolutely unquestionably NO! What had happened was that he and I were Facebook friends. It was during the election and he posted some pro Clinton liberal propaganda. All I did was ask him how he felt about Clinton flip flopping so much on gay marriage. Robert lost his mind! His universe collapsed! He went on this rant defending her (as if anyone can't just jump on YouTube and hear how many times she has contradicted herself on this issue) told me off and blocked me before I could tell him to just chill out. He's alienated a few other people over his political post, but that's his perogative.
Personally I have nothing against the guy and wish him nothing but the best. He allowed me to sit next to him for several hours at Devon one year when I was just a star struck kid. That encounter changed my life and helped me realize what I wanted in a trainer and who I wanted to be as a rider. Several years later we met again at Gladstone and he was very kind to both myself and my daughter.
Q: What is your problem with Charlotte and Carl Hester?
A: It's never popular to bash someone loved by so many. I'm a truth seeker and I made the mistake of thinking others are too. I was wrong. Most people don't know what correct dressage is anymore. They see higher scores and think the rider must have all the answers. I've made it a habit now never to publicly criticize another equestrian, because I don't like it when it's done to me, and I feel there is enough hate in the world. So all I'm going to say on this matter is that I don't like Charlotte's riding, and I tnink Carl is an extremely arrogant man. I'm not going into detail. But I'm allowed to have my opinion and when others start bullying me because of those opinions, well, that's tyranny isn't it? We live in America where you are free to have whatever point of view you'd like, free of persecution. So to those people commenting something hateful because of my opinion, need to ask themselves where their Integrity is.